Healthcare Information System (HIS)

Tired of using a Healthcare Information System (HIS) that feels like it was built in the 90s?

GoRev is a complete HIS built entirely on new technology and undergoing active development and improvement by a domestic team of developers and healthcare professionals.

With our wide range of advanced features and capabilities, you're sure to be thrilled to never have to use a bright green terminal emulator again.

Environmentally Flexible

GoRev has been used across a variety of healthcare environments directly at the point of care as well as by billing companies as a bolt-on module. Scenarios that we frequently see include the following:

  • Emergency Rooms
  • Surgery Centers
  • Physician Practices
  • Hospitals
  • Billing Bolt-On
  • Reporting Bolt-On

If you don't see your usage scenario listed above. Give us a quick message over on the Contact Us page. We would be happy to give your requirements a look over and let you know if we can help.


Locally Designed and Maintained

GoRev has been designed and tested by billing companies and other healthcare professionals who currently hold active positions in the industry.

The field of the healthcare industry changes often and requires constant updates and new developments for patient accounting systems. We proudly maintain a skilled domestic development team that includes the original GoRev developers. As a crucial part of our services, we will continue to fund this team and their improvements to the system throughout the foreseen future.

We believe it is important to maintain this talent as once the developers halt updating a platform then you immediately start to experience attrition and lose your market advantage. GoRev is based entirely on new technology standards and cutting edge user interfaces. You won't find yourself using another terminal emulator.

The Features

Instant Data Abstraction

When selecting a patient on most GoRev forms, any pertinent information will be automatically filled out, from demographics to insurance information. Keeping your time on the patient, rather than data entry.

Barcode Scanning

Our barcode scanning technology saves you time and increases your revenue. GoRev can create 'Charge Books' that will assign bar codes to your inventory so your staff can charge items quickly and accurately.

Driver's License Scanning

Recurring patients can quickly be searched at the front desk via driver's license scanners, making check-in time a snap.

Mail-Merge Style Print Services

Don't be stuck with basic printing capabilities. GoRev's built in editors allow you to design custom documents that are merged with patient data in real-time, allowing you to print everything from label sheets to pre-filled charts and digital appeals. Save time and write less.

Explosive Charging

Do you have common sets of charges like the rest of us? If so, GoRev allows your front end staff to charge entire groups of items with just one scan or a few clicks. Help reduce clinical staff attrition by making their jobs and lives easier, all while capturing more charges than you ever have before.

Hybrid User Model

Have a domain with hundreds of users? GoRev can use your LDAP compatible domain for user credentials. Don't have one? GoRev also supports internal user accounts for users that don't have domain accounts.

835 Posting

GoRev helps reduce posting time by providing an assisted posting process that can import 835 EDI files that you receive from your clearinghouse. You can upload entire batches of 835 documents through the AutoPost module.

Standard HL7 Interfaces

GoRev supports a wide range of HL7 interfacing options including TCP/IP direct communication and file drop methodologies. Our proprietary interface layer allows us to take the complexity out of interface setup and simply make the standard work for you.

Powerful Performance

Our proprietary, cloud-based application server caches your data in blazing fast physical memory banks for a responsive and productive experience wherever you or your team happen to be at the time.

Quick Searching

GoRev forms feature quick search technology. Simply typing into a box puts hundreds of patients at your fingertips.

Enterprise Level

GoRev is ready for small to large scale healthcare entities with anything from a single location to hundreds. GoRev makes managing multiple locations simple through enterprise-wide reporting, charting and searching that can be accessed from all physical locations simultaneously.

ICD9/10 Dual Coding

GoRev supports ICD-9 and ICD-10 coding and can be used in either or both modes simultaneously. An advanced GEMs-assisted conversion process allows ICD-9 codes to quickly be converted into a suitable ICD-10 counterpart.

SQL Flat Data Interfacing

In our experience, standardized interfaces don't always get the job done. GoRev supports a unique layer of flat data interfaces that can be used to import data from virtually any other system. This process makes for simpler transitions from existing systems and even allows GoRev to operate as a bolt-on billing system to other front-end systems.

Facility to Professional Link

Billing for both Facility Services and Professional Component? Don't duplicate your work. Allow our proprietary Facility to Professional Link interface copy complete patient records and coding to a new claim that is ready to bill. Our smart coding import can even filter out codes to make the process entirely seamless. Code once. Bill twice.


One thing that everyone in this industry agrees on is that revenue cycle is complex. It's often not a simple task to judge your current performance. GoRev remedies this issue by providing a simple, yet effective grading system. Don't lose revenue because one step of the process falls behind while the others wait. Let our grades remind you which areas of your revenue cycle need the most attention.

Advanced Charting

Our charting module visualizes trends within your organization for executive level overview type detail. Need more detail? Simply click a point on a drill-down enabled graph and you'll have the itemized list you needed.

Workflow with Denial Management

Don't run your revenue cycle by checking one claim at a time. Let our workflow system point you in the right direction by showing you which accounts to focus on based on your own posting data. Adjustment codes, low payment reviews, missing charges and so much more can be caught by our workflow system that checks all of your claims against thousands of rules.